Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): One person was stabbed multiple times in a clash between two rival groups due to an old feud, the police said on Sunday. Arera hills police station house officer (SHO) Jai Hind Sharma told Free Press that three listed criminals of the city, named Pappu Chatka, Shahrukh and Vicky had an enmity with Shahid, a member of a gang run by another listed criminal, Zubair Maulana, who is currently serving imprisonment. They met on Saturday late night near the Peetal mandir of the city to sort out old enmity. But both the groups soon got into a heated argument. And In no time, Chatka pulled out a gun and shot Shahid and his accomplices. Shahid tried to flee but was overpowered by Chatka and his men.
Upon arriving, the police found Shahid lying on the floor writhing in pain. According to police, the attack on Shahid left him with 27 stab wounds. Cops have registered an attempt-to-murder case against Pappu Chatka and Shahrukh. Hospital sources said Shahid’s condition is said to be very critical.