Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): The national executive committee of the Bhartiya Janata Party (BJP) is going to meet in Delhi on January 16 and on January 17. After the meeting, the party will take a decision on the new president of its Madhya Pradesh unit. Present president of the party’s state unit, VD Sharma, is going to complete three years on the post. It is only after the executive meeting that the party will decide whether the tenure of the present presidents of all the state will be extended, or new heads will be appointed.
The executive committee may take a decision on the tenure of the party’s national president JP Nadda whose tenure has also ended. If Nadda’s tenure is extended, the door to Sharma’s term in office will open. The BJP is in a dilemma over whether Nadda’s tenure will be extended or a new president will be appointed. BJP conducts Mandal and district elections before appointing its national president, but such elections are yet to be held. As the organisational elections have not been held, it is expected that the tenure of the national president and his state counterpart may be extended till the elections.
Assembly elections in MP will be held in November this year. Therefore, only ten months are left for it. Against this backdrop, the central leadership of the party has to take a decision as early as possible. The decision on the appointment of state president hinges on that of the national president. As far as the appointment of MP BJP president goes, Prabhat Jha was removed from the post just before the 2013 assembly elections, and Narendra Singh Tomar was appointed in his place.
Similarly, before the 2018 assembly elections, Nand Kumar Singh Chouhan was removed, and Rakesh Singh was appointed. Sharma is close to the RSS, besides he is on good terms with the central leadership of the party. Therefore, his tenure may be extended.