Guiding Light: Finding Solutions For Present-Day Problems

Guiding Light: Finding Solutions For Present-Day Problems

Anger is another factor that has led to great social turmoil. Extremism, terrorism and violence of all kinds are offshoots of anger.

Rajyogi Brahmakumar Nikunj jiUpdated: Friday, June 16, 2023, 10:12 AM IST
Guiding Light: Finding Solutions For Present-Day Problems | Photo: Pixabay

The present-day state of our society, characterised by hundreds and thousands of big and small problems, is that of an ailing or a sick society, which seems to be dynamic and progressive from outside, but inwardly, it has become hollow, because of negative traits like hatred, jealousy, anger, lust, ego etc. The question therefore is that, what is the main cause or reason of its afflictions? A possible answer to this question could be that the problems are not of one kind but are of different nature. Like, there are economic, political, social, ethnic, racial, communal and all sorts of problems and it is, therefore, difficult to name one or two causes of the present sufferings. 

The answer seems to be correct but if we make a comprehensive list of the major global or national problems and classify them under various heads, we will find that these various problems are mainly due to five basic factors. Take, for example, the problems of eve-teasings, rapes, abductions, wife-burnings or dowry deaths, these are due to sex lust. The problems of obscenity in art, literature, cine films, cultural shows, etc. also are due to man's vulgar sex-impulses, and the problems of overpopulation which, in turn, causes so many other problems, is also due to man's lack of control over his libido. 

Likewise, anger is another factor that has led to great social turmoil. Extremism, terrorism and violence of all kinds are offshoots of anger. Similarly, economic exploitation, tax evasion, adulteration, smuggling, hoarding, black-marketing, corruption, bribery, are all due to greed, lust for money or obsession for possessions. Much of favouritism, nepotism, extreme forms of nationalism, etc are due to attachment to one's relatives, country, etc. 

Lastly, pride is the factor that leads to confrontation, divisiveness, domination by some few people, prestige postures, etc and leads to rivalry, leg-pulling, litigation, and a revengeful attitude. 

Further deep thought will, however, reveal that these five are the result of the degeneration of love. There is no doubt about it that Love is the inherent quality of every human soul, but it may exist either in its pure or perverted form. If it exists in its pure form, then there are no problemsand everything is fine. But, if it becomes impure, then it brings along a lot of miseries. How? be continued 

The writer is a spiritual educator and popular columnist for publications across India, Nepal and the UK. He can be contacted at /


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