FPJ Editorial: Hospital Deaths Call For Scrutiny

FPJ Editorial: Hospital Deaths Call For Scrutiny

This unfortunate episode casts a stark light on the dire state of healthcare in the state.

FPJ EditorialUpdated: Thursday, October 05, 2023, 08:57 PM IST
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The Maharashtra government finds itself in a deeply troubling predicament, as the High Court has been compelled to take suo motu action in response to the tragic deaths of patients in two of its hospitals. This unfortunate episode casts a stark light on the dire state of healthcare in the state. Tragically, 31 patients, among them 11 vulnerable infants, met their untimely demise at the government hospital in Nanded. Simultaneously, another 18 patients lost their lives in the government hospital at Chhatrapati Sambhaji Nagar. This grave situation is not an isolated incident, as reports also emerge of 23 individuals succumbing to their illnesses in 24 hours at the Government Medical College Hospital in Nagpur.

It is a lamentable fact that these incidents ultimately point to a systemic failure within the healthcare system. The blame for these deaths cannot be laid solely at the feet of Health Minister Tamaji Sawant. Nevertheless, it is evident that the government's leadership must shoulder its share of responsibility. Hospitals in the state are overburdened, in dire need of expansion, additional beds, and a bolstered medical staff. This systemic inadequacy has resulted in the unnecessary suffering of patients, and it demands immediate attention. Reports reveal that these hospitals are ill-equipped, lacking even basic stocks of essential medicines. The harsh reality is that impoverished patients could not afford to purchase life-saving medications from the market. Allegations of procurement delays due to corruption in the tendering process only compound the issue, shedding light on the corrosive influence of graft within the state's administrative machinery.

It is disheartening to note that the healthcare sector receives only a negligible fraction of the country’s GDP, a figure that falls short of providing the necessary resources to address these life-and-death matters. It is imperative that the government recognises the urgency of reform and investment in healthcare, not just in Maharashtra but across the nation. These tragic incidents serve as a stark reminder that governments have a fundamental duty to protect the lives and well-being of their citizens. The people go to hospitals seeking treatment, not to meet their demise. Regrettably, instead of focusing on their needs, the government appears preoccupied with settling political issues among coalition partners. This disregard for the sanctity of human life is an affront to the principles of governance and should not be tolerated. It is high time for Maharashtra, and indeed all states, to prioritise the health and welfare of their citizens above all else.


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