Editorial: The Father-Son Disconnect

Editorial: The Father-Son Disconnect

FPJ EditorialUpdated: Friday, April 12, 2024, 12:59 AM IST
Anil Antony | File Pic

In the annals of political rigidity, AK Antony stands as a testament to the discipline that transcends even the grandeur of a chief minister’s inauguration. His saga unfolds like a Shakespearean comedy, with a twist of political irony. For “Saint” Antony, the separation of his personal and political realms was more sacrosanct than the Biblical verses. When faced with the monumental task of leading Kerala, he sent his son dutifully to school, lest the heavens crumble under the weight of familial presence at Raj Bhavan. Truly, a man of impeccable priorities! But as time weaves its tapestry, even the most disciplined threads fray. Enter Anil Antony, the rebellious scion who dares to defy the patriarch's political gospel. Like Oedipus before him, he challenges the oracle, likening his father to a relic of yesteryears, while extolling the virtues of Modi, the modern-day Caesar.

Anil Antony’s reverence for Modi clashes with the sacred scriptures of Indian tradition, where filial piety is akin to a religious creed. In a land where Rama's obedience to his father is enshrined in epics, Anil's homage to the 'world's greatest leader' echoes more of a political creed than a familial bond. As Antony Senior graces the Congress Working Committee with his octogenarian wisdom, while his son seeks votes on the BJP ticket, one can't help but marvel at the paradox he embodies. In a world where politics often blurs the lines between personal and public life, his steadfast commitment to compartmentalisation is both admirable and confounding. So, as the saga of the father and his “prodigal son” unfolds, we're left to ponder: is it discipline that drives him, or a disconnect from the very fabric of familial reverence that defines our cultural ethos? Only time will tell, as the political pendulum swings between obedience and rebellion.


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