Dhaka: A student tragically shot dead during the Bangladesh quota protests has become the symbol of the agitation. The student, identified as Mir Mahfuzur Rahman Mughdo, was shot in the head while resting after distributing water bottles and biscuits to the protesters. An old video of Mughdo, which is said to show his last moments, is circulating on social media. In the video, Mughdo is seen wiping his eyes with his shirt sleeves and asking the protesters, "Paani Lagbe Paani?" (Need Water? Need Water?).
Mughdo was shot dead on July 18 in Uttara. The video of him distributing water bottles just minutes before his death went viral on social media, inspiring more students to take to the streets in protest against Sheikh Hasina's regime. His death played a significant role in the quota reform movement in Bangladesh which led to the resignation of Sheikh Hasina as the Prime Minister and also forced her to leave the country.
Who was Mughdo - Mir Mahfuzur Rahman?
Mir Mahfuzur Rahman Mughdo, a bright student from Khulna University, had dreams of studying abroad for higher education. He was actively preparing to make that dream a reality, but sadly, his life was cut short.
Mughdo was a student from the 19th batch at Khulna University and was well-known and loved on campus. His talents in sports, singing, and organisational skills made him a popular figure among his peers and teachers.
He was also the unit leader of the university's scout group. His leadership and dedication earned him the National Service Award from Bangladesh Scouts for being the best organiser. After completing his graduation in Mathematics from Khulna University, Mughdo moved to Dhaka in March this year to pursue an MBA at Bangladesh University of Professionals (BUP).
Mughdo's sudden death has left the entire university community in deep sorrow. Teachers and students alike are struggling to come to terms with the loss of such a promising young man. Some students are suggesting that a water bottle brand be launched in Mughdo's name, with a portion of the revenue going to his family.
Mughdo was also working as a freelancer on Fiverr, contributing as an SEO expert and social media marketing. Fiverr extended their condolences and expressed sorrow over the loss of this brilliant student.
"It's with a heavy heart that we've learned of a loss in our Fiverr family. Mir Mahfuzur Rahman Mughdo passed away last week, leaving his parents and two brothers behind. Mir was a talented marketer who built a successful business on Fiverr through his expertise in SEO and social media. More than that, he was an avid traveler, a talented footballer, a Bangladesh Scout, and a true humanitarian," Fiverr said in a Facebook post.