A video that's being widely shared on social media platforms is showing Afghan nationals attacking a Pakistani consulate in Frankfurt (Germany), said multiple media reports. The video, which has not been independently verified by Free Press Journal shows a crowd entering premises of a beige coloured building. Amid a lot of shouting, a man can be seen climbing on a flagpole and removes what appears to be a Pakistani flag.
Several individuals in the crowd can be seen waving the Afghan flag representing the US-backed regime that was in power before the Taliban took over.
At the time of publishing of this story, there was no official reaction from either the Pakistani or the German side.
Local media in Germany did not immediately put out any report and it was not known if the crowd had attacked any individual causing injuries.
Although the current Taliban regime and Pakistani state have traditionally had good relations, it has been seen over the years that common Afghans despise Pakistan's support to terrorist outfits in their country. Pakistan's attempts to turn Afghanistan into a proxy state hasn't gone down too well with the Afghans and although Taliban's hardline regime is in power in Afghanistan, there are many who yearn for a liberal regime run by US-led global coalition.
(This is a breaking news. More to follow)