In a remarkable and rare occurrence, 32-year-old Kelsey Hatcher from Alabama, born with a condition known as uterine didelphys, is expecting twins – one in each of her two uteri. The astonishing revelation, made during an eight-week ultrasound appointment, left both Kelsey and her husband, Caleb, in utter shock. The couple, already parents to three children aged 7, 4, and 2, expressed their disbelief at the unexpected news, with Kelsey set to give birth on Christmas Day.
Uterine didelphys
Uterine didelphys, a condition where a woman is born with two uteri and two cervixes, is itself a rarity. According to specialists at the University of Alabama at Birmingham's Women & Infants Center, where Kelsey is receiving care, the odds of being pregnant in each uterus simultaneously are estimated to be about "1 in a million." In a report in the ABC news, Dr. Richard Davis, a maternal and fetal medicine specialist, emphasized the uniqueness of Kelsey's situation, stating that it's an exceedingly rare occurrence, with perhaps only "three per 1,000 women" having a double cervix or double uteruses.
Kelsey had been aware of her condition since the age of 17, but her three previous pregnancies involved carrying a single baby in one uterus, each going full-term with no complications. However, this time around, the discovery of twins in separate uteri added an extra layer of surprise. The babies are considered fraternal twins, a result of separate ovulation and fertilization in each uterus, according to Dr. Shweta Patel, an obstetrics and gynecology specialist involved in Kelsey's care.
Pregnancy smooth so far
Despite the high-risk nature of her pregnancies due to uterine didelphys, Kelsey's journey has been relatively smooth so far, with only increased fatigue in the first trimester distinguishing it from her previous pregnancies. The medical team, led by Dr. Davis and Dr. Patel, is closely monitoring her progress and preparing for various scenarios ahead of the delivery.
Dr. Patel highlighted the complexity of Kelsey's case, noting that the medical community lacks an official term to describe the unique situation of twins in separate uteri. She affirmed that, medically, they are still referred to as twins. Dr. Davis outlined the monitoring process for the impending delivery, explaining that each uterus might contract independently, necessitating careful observation to determine if simultaneous contractions or differing patterns occur.
Hatchers are simply thrilled
The plan is to allow Kelsey to carry the pregnancy to term as long as the health of both mother and babies permits. The delivery could involve individual vaginal births or, in case of complications, a cesarean section. Kelsey, while acknowledging the rarity of her pregnancy, expressed gratitude for the smooth experience and shared her excitement, revealing that in the last two weeks, she could visibly see the two pregnancies separated when she laid down.
As the Hatchers anticipate the arrival of their twin daughters on Christmas Day, their story serves as a testament to the extraordinary and unpredictable nature of reproductive possibilities, defying medical odds and showcasing the resilience of both mother and babies.