10 Positive Affirmations That Could Change Your Life

10 Positive Affirmations That Could Change Your Life

When you’re on a mission to improve yourself, here’s a fascinating fact: the way you think about yourself has a big impact on your life

Luke CoutinhoUpdated: Sunday, October 01, 2023, 10:40 AM IST
Antonio Diaz

When you’re on a mission to improve yourself, here’s a fascinating fact: the way you think about yourself has a big impact on your life. Imagine your thoughts as paintbrushes that create your self-image. If you fill your mind with negative thoughts like “I’m ugly,” “I’m lazy," or “I’m a loser,” your brain takes these as instructions. It makes you act like someone who’s lazy, and you might even skip workouts because of it.

Here’s a mind-blowing fact: your brain can’t tell the difference between real and imagined.

Try this experiment: Close your eyes and picture a beautiful place, like a sunny beach. Notice how you feel happier just by thinking about it. That’s because your brain treats what you imagine as real.

Now, think about all those negative thoughts you tell yourself. Your body believes those, too. So, if you keep thinking you’re not good enough, your body acts like it’s true. But here’s the flip side: if you believe in getting better, being happy, and staying healthy, your body starts to believe it too. Words have incredible power.

They can either lift you up or bring you down. Your words are like magic spells. That’s where positive affirmations come in.

Positive affirmations are like supercharged sentences. When you say them with confidence and keep repeating them, they can change your thoughts. And when your thoughts change, your body follows suit. It’s like a mind-body connection.

Positive affirmations can be part of your plan to get healthier, happier, or even tackle big problems like obesity, low immunity, or diabetes. They won’t replace important things like eating well, moving your body, or taking medicine, but they play a big role in helping you heal and get better.

But remember, affirmations need two things: words and feelings.

Affirmations work best when you not only say them but also feel them. So, if you’re saying, “I’m healthy,” feel what it’s like to be healthy. Imagine yourself doing healthy things. When you mix the words with strong feelings, it’s like a superpower.

A famous comedian named Jim Carrey loves affirmations. He once said, “If you see it and believe it, it’s easier for you to receive it.”

Now, let’s look at 10 amazing ways affirmations can change your life:

Boost Confidence

Say things like “I’m worthy” or “I’m enough” to feel better about yourself.

Beat Fear

Use affirmations like “I’m brave” to help you conquer fear and worry.

Stay Positive

When you say “I’m optimistic” or “I can handle anything," you’ll start looking at problems in a positive way.

Reduce Stress

Phrases like “I stay calm under pressure” help you handle stress better.

Reach Goals

Affirmations like “I’m making my dreams come true” keep you motivated to achieve your goals.

Improve Relationships

Use affirmations like “I’m a good friend” to build better connections with others.

Build Confidence

Affirmations like “I believe in myself” boost your self-confidence, a key to success.

Stay Healthy

Say “I’m healthy and strong” to remind yourself to make healthy choices.

Find Happiness

Say things like “I’m grateful for what I have” to focus on the good things in life.

Attract Abundance

Use phrases like “I’m open to good things coming my way” to invite positivity and opportunities.

Some people might think positive affirmations are silly, but there’s real science behind them. And hey, what’s the harm in thinking positively? What do you lose by imagining your life getting better? The answer: absolutely nothing. Give it a try with belief and see the magic unfold.

Note: Positive affirmations won’t cure everything, but they can help you move in the right direction and bring more good into your life.

(Luke Coutinho, Holistic Nutrition and Lifestyle – Integrative and Lifestyle Medicine, Founder of You Care - All about YOU by Luke Coutinho)


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