A commuter on Wednesday uploaded a video to social media platform ‘X’ claiming that a traffic police personnel had illegally removed his electric vehicle from a charging point at Mantralaya, Mumbai, and clamped it. The commuter, Prabhat Tiwari, claimed that the policeman, Amol (surname unclear), had issued him a challan for Rs 972 for parking at a no-parking spot.
EV vehicle allegedly dragged from charging station by police
The video begins with a shot of the policeman outside the station, then pans to the chowki and the clamped EV on the other side of the road. “I am standing near Mantralaya and this is my vehicle... This person [the policeman]... my car was getting charged... the EV charging station is over there,” Tiwari says in the video.
Car owner slams cop as "Vasooli Police Officer"
“He [the policeman] towed away my vehicle... the charging pin is still hanging out of the socket,” he says, adding, “And now he is telling me that people like me come all the time.” The message accompanying the video says: “Car was on charging, & they dragged it as for and made challan saying it’s on no parking, How rubbish is that, how a charging point is meant to be no parking place. Farzi challan and then vasooli, no one there to help.”
Man seeks refund of challan amount
“Refund & take strict action against such police, They are creating differences between police & common citizens, All proofs will be submitted whenever demanded to get justice.” Tiwari also posted a copy of the challan on X and tagged Mumbai Police, Traffic Police, and the Chief Minister’s Office. The Traffic Police replied to the post, stating: “@MTPHereToHelp. We are sharing your concern Traffic Division for necessary stringent action.”