On a scary night in Gujarat's Amreli, two lions tried to scare and allegedly attack two village dogs who were a gate apart. There was only a gate in between the animals which protected the dogs from the lion's fiery roar and anger. A nearby CCTV camera recorded the dramatic incident showing the face off between the lions and the dogs. Let us tell you that the video ended on an unexpected note as it captured the brave dogs shooing away the lions without fear.
The 'lions vs dogs' video is going viral on social media. It reportedly surfaces from Gujarat’s Savarkundla in Amreli district, which is said to be around 76 km from the Gir National Park, which is a home to the Asiatic lion in India.
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The video opened by showing a lion approaching the gate and trying to break it in an attempt to jump to the other side and attack a dog there.
Soon after the lion was spotted there trying to disturb one of the dogs, another dog came into the scene and stood by its side. The two dogs stuck around the gate boldly. While the camera didn't record the audio from the incident, it was learned that the dog kept barking at the big animal repeatedly to either alert people around or scare the lion itself.
Dogs escape attack
Seeing there were two dogs on the other side of the gate, another lion joined its companion and the duo tried breaking the gate with force. With back and forth movements, the lithe gate and prey on the dogs. However, that didn't take place. A while into the face off, the lions allegedly gave up and ran into the bushes. Was it completely the bravery displayed by the dogs that saved them? Not really. It was noted that a watchman there reflected torchlight to alert his presence and watch on the wild animals. Seconds into the video, he was seen visiting the gate and locking it again tightly.