Top 5 reasons why learning C# is still relevant for a lucrative career today

Top 5 reasons why learning C# is still relevant for a lucrative career today

Brijesh DesaiUpdated: Friday, July 12, 2019, 11:43 AM IST

There’s a running joke prevalent in the developer community that there is going to be a programming language for every letter of the alphabet if there isn’t one already. And surprisingly, they are not wrong. The world of technology has evolved to provide so many features and functionalities that are difficult to find any area of utility that isn’t covered by a language. Right from general purpose programming frameworks to those that focus on a particular niche, there’s a language out there to meet all your needs.

As a budding developer, which language do you begin with? Some of the reasons to keep in mind are to pick one that is future-proof and has real-life applications as well. While those still can be many, a lot of current programmers prefer to start off by learning a language that is trending currently. That leaves a void in understanding the crucial basic concepts of programming itself. C-Sharp had its heydays when it came out, and continues to enjoy a place of strength and utility even today. Being one of the top 5 most popular programming languages, it’s also one of the important ones for a solid foundation.

Here are the top 5 reasons why you should have a C# certification if you’re pursuing a career in the development world.

1. C# has grown beyond what it was

For a lot of us, C# was one of those languages that had its moment of popularity when it came out. The functionalities and the potential it had was truly game-changing and has brought the programming world to where it has today. Unfortunately, many new entrants believe that that’s all there is to it for that language, and it has been stagnant since then. But this is far from the truth.

Being helmed, backed, and developed by Microsoft, C# has been evolving since the very time it was conceived. Numerous features and improvement cycles have taken place to optimize and enhance the language. And this potential is not only recognized by developers but enterprises around the world as well. Numerous lucrative job roles exist in the market today, looking for C# programming experts that pay a handsome amount as a starting salary, too.

2. C# still is the easiest language to begin with

Unless you’re looking at extremely basic languages that can help you print words on the screen, C# provides that effective combination of being a language that is easy for a beginner and holds the potential to prove its worth for an advanced programmer as well. A lot of other languages out there, including Java, are quite similar in terms to it since they have their roots in the basic C language.

The syntax of C# programming is fairly high-level. Therefore, understanding the nuances and reading the code is much easier since the focus is on using it correctly. Programmers don’t need to worry about memory leaks and error handling since all of it is taken care of by the compiler itself.

3. C# is useful in a career for game development

Have you ever had a dream to work for a large game-development company and be a part of creating the next product that takes the world by storm? One of the major reasons why companies look for game developers is to help them build engines that can run better and smoother, while bringing in innovative features to build better games.

Some of the highly successful and popular game engines still continue to use C# as their scripting language of choice. It allows a smart balance of coding ease, advanced functionalities, and versatile utility all combined in one.

4. C# finds its place in nearly every industry domain

Not everyone wants to be a game developer. Some want to help develop software for a particular niche of the industry. Others prefer building websites that can help support web-based applications. A few like to harness the potential of the cloud and build a service offering.

The possibilities are endless and learning a new language for each of those isn’t exactly a fruitful approach. But with C#, you are arming yourself with the skillset and the potential to build anything you want, quite literally. Even building applications for mobile platforms as well as large scale software for enterprise-level scenarios is a possibility after you master C#.

5. C# is finding its groove again

Yes, C# was extremely popular when it came out and that might not be comparable today with tons of other languages fighting for the same. But slowly and steadily, C# is garnering recognition once again as the language every developer must learn no matter where they would like to take their career.

This primarily comes from the learning curve that it provides and the kind of depth in understanding some of the common concepts of programming it brings with itself. These are crucial in being an excellent advanced developer in your field, and not just an average one.

A smart and effective C# training program is the best way to set yourself up on the path of a lucrative career in this wonderfully exciting world of programming. Once that’s done, the sky is the limit for your achievements.