The IPL 2023 held a special significance for MS Dhoni in various aspects. Throughout the tournament, Dhoni received immense admiration and support from fans at every venue he played. Whether it was in Chennai, his home ground, or during away matches, the crowd rallied behind him. In the end, Dhoni's team, the Chennai Super Kings, emerged victorious by defeating the Gujarat Titans in the final held in Ahmedabad. Following the match, Dhoni expressed his desire to participate in another IPL season, acknowledging the substantial physical effort it would entail.
CEO Kasi Viswanathan revealed that Dhoni plans to consult sports orthopedics specialists in Mumbai to assess the condition of his troublesome left knee before making any decisions regarding treatment. Recently, a video of Dhoni taping his knee has gone viral on social media platforms, sparking speculation about his injury and treatment.
Dhoni to seek expert advice
Throughout the entire IPL season, Dhoni persevered with a heavily bandaged left knee. While his performance as a wicketkeeper seemed unaffected by the injury, there were instances when he batted lower in the order, often at No.8, and displayed a lack of agility while running between the wickets.
"Yes, it is true that Dhoni will be taking medical advice for his left knee injury and accordingly decide. If surgery is advised, it can only be ascertained after reports come out, it will be completely his call," Viswanathan told PTI.
Is there a possibility that Dhoni will decide against playing next season and thus free up a purse of Rs 15 crore for the mini auction, the CEO replied: "Frankly, we are not even thinking on those lines as we haven't reached that stage.
"It will be completely Dhoni's call. But I can tell you in CSK, we haven't entertained those thoughts," Viswanathan said.