Mixed martial arts fighter Chungreng Koren, belonging to Manipur, has made a humble request to Prime Minister Narendra Modi to visit the state amid violence and unrest. The video has been going viral on social media as Koren spoke after a match in the Matrix fight night 14.
Unrest in Manipur has been escalating since May 2023 as 180 casualties have emerged following protests by a "Tribal Solidarity March" for Meitei community's demand for the status of Schedule Tribes (ST) status. The Meiteis make up 53 per cent of the state population and constitute majorly the tribals.
In the video going viral on social media, Koren stressed the shortage of food and water in Manipur and requested PM Modi's intervention as the future seems unclear.
"This is my humble request. Violence is happening in Manipur. It has been almost a year. People are dying and many people are at relief camps. There is a shortage of food and water at these relief camps. The children are not able to study properly. The future is unclear. Modi ji, please visit Manipur once and restore peace in the state."