Team India's and Mumbai Indians' pace spearhead Jasprit Bumrah posted a cryptic story on Instagram, with the fans have related to Hardik Pandya's return to the decorated franchise ahead of IPL 2024. Bumrah's latest Instagram story read the words 'Silence is the best answer' as fans reckon he wishes to be the captain of the Mumbai Indians. However, Pandya's homecoming could have him succeed Rohit Sharma as skipper.
Mumbai Indians completed a stunning coup on the day of the announcement of retention and release list, signing a deal to trade Pandya from the Gujarat Titans. It proved to be an all-cash deal as the Titans got ₹15 crore in return. Director of Titans Vikram Solanki underlined that it was Pandya's 'desire' to shift his base back to the Mumbai Indians.
Notably, Bumrah has also unfollowed Mumbai Indians' official handles on social media.
Below is the Instagram story of Jasprit Bumrah:
Jasprit Bumrah story. | (Credits: Instagram)
Nita Ambani thrilled to have Hardik Pandya back in the Mumbai Indians:
Meanwhile, franchise owner Nita Ambani remains excited to welcome Pandya back into the side and believes he has completed a full circle by returning to where it all started. As quoted in the franchise's official website, she stated:
"We are thrilled to welcome Hardik back home! It’s a heartwarming reunion with our Mumbai Indians family! From being a young scouted talent of Mumbai Indians to now being a team India star, Hardik has come a long way and we’re excited for what the future holds for him and Mumbai Indians!”
During his stay of two years in the Titans, Pandya led them to the title in 2022 and the final in 2023.