Guiding Light: The Right Way to Support Sustainable Development

Guiding Light: The Right Way to Support Sustainable Development

Rajyogi Brahmakumar Nikunj jiUpdated: Wednesday, April 10, 2024, 10:13 PM IST
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Of late, the UNDP (United Nations Development Programme), the ECOSOC (Economic & Social Council of the UN) and also other similar institutions, which are working for development have also now veered round to the point that the notion of development would be faulty unless our focus is on the people, because it is the people whom all developmental efforts must serve.

But looking overall at the paradigms, plans, programmes and parameters of development, charted by various UN agencies and other similar institutions, it seems that they aim only or mainly at the economic development and physical and mental wellbeing of the people and, therefore, their major thrust now is the provision of basic necessities, such as water and food, employment, literacy, health-care, pollution-free environment, etc. to the developing or backward areas.

Thus, even in this new paradigm, the development of proper attitudes and outlook of the human individual is missing or has not been given the place and attention it deserves. Therefore, there seems to be some lack of realisation that, though all the aforementioned kinds of development are necessary yet these are not enough to bring real and durable security and peace.

Also, when we talk of sustainable development, we generally mean that our developmental processes should not degrade the physical environment and that we should be considerate and careful in using the non-renewable resources so that we leave enough for the coming generations. But, does the present high rate of population-growth, put alongside the Law of Entropy, leave enough scope for such a sustainable development?

Again, have we ever re-examined our various methods or steps to stabilise or to reduce the population-growth? Our debates are generally centred around abortion, contraceptives and so on but, in this case also, we hardly think of reforming the beliefs, attitudes and evil impulses of individuals and peoples through value-education. This is really the crux of the whole problem of development.

So, if we are to achieve our dream, the time to act is now by coming together and developing a spirit of co-operation, sense of responsibility and sharing of mutual concerns. Remember! If we fail to act now, it will impoverish our current and future generations.

The writer is a spiritual educator and popular columnist for publications across India, Nepal and the UK, and has written more than 8,000 columns. He can be contacted at /


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