Guiding Light: The Grey Area of Doubt

Guiding Light: The Grey Area of Doubt

by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Sri Sri Ravi ShankarUpdated: Sunday, October 16, 2022, 06:13 PM IST

With whom do you feel really comfortable and at ease? With someone who does not question your love, someone who takes for granted that you love them. Isn’t it?

When someone doubts your love and you constantly have to prove it, it becomes a heavy load. They start questioning you and demanding explanations for all your actions. To explain everything you do is a burden. Your nature is to shed the burden because you don’t feel comfortable.

When you question the reason behind someone’s action, you are asking for justice for yourself. You create a distance when you ask for justice. Your whole intention is to come close, but instead you create a distance.

You are the Eternal Witness. You are as much a witness to your own actions as you are to someone else’s. When someone asks you for an explanation for your actions, they are speaking from doership and imposing that doership on you. This brings you discomfort.

A doubt is a grey area. Grey is something which is neither white nor black. Now, how to solve a doubt? Accept a doubt as either black or white. See your doubt as white and there is no doubt. See the doubt as black and accept it. Either way, you accept it and move on.

See someone as either honest or dishonest and accept him. Then your mind is quiet. Then you are not in the gray area of doubt. Have conviction: “He is dishonest and yet he is still part of me. I accept him as he is.” Doubt is an unstable state with footing neither on this shore nor that shore. From there tension arises.

Have you noticed that you usually doubt only the things that are positive in your life? You don’t doubt negative things. You doubt a person’s honesty, and you believe in his dishonesty. When someone is angry with you, you have no doubt about his anger. But when someone says he loves you, a doubt creeps in: Does he really love me? When you are depressed, do you ever think: Am I really depressed? No, you take your depression as a fact. Yet when you are happy, you doubt: Am I really happy; Is this really what I wanted?

See this tendency to doubt the positive things in your life. Put doubt in its proper place and doubt the doubts. Doubt the negative and put your trust more in the positive.


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