Mother Lalita is addressed as ‘Shiva Shaktaikya Roopini’, meaning the Goddess who is the combination of both Shiva and Shakti. Shiva represents the masculine energies in the universe. Shiva means ‘Shubham’, meaning ‘all good’. Shakti is the feminine form of energy. Though masculine form plans, organizes, and proposes an action to be taken, it is the feminine form which is the ‘Shakti’ who actually ‘makes things happen’. Shiva without Shakti is not useful in deliveries and hence worshipped form of Shiva is ‘Sambashiva’, standing for ‘Sa+Amba+Shiva’, meaning Shiva with mother Goddess.
Shakti is the energy. Energy is often neutral and it depends on the purpose for which it is ‘channelized’. When it comes to flow of the energies, the two main ‘nadis’ are referred to as representative of Surya and Chandra. Ida and Pingala, are the names. Figurative representation is, masculine and feminine energies in the backbone of the sadhaka. Best path is the middle of these two, called Sushumna. The dwaita (duality) experienced in the form of hot and cold are also associated with duality of male and feminine energies. Yin and Yang are two halves, and these complement each other is known to seekers.
Within the human life we have phases when empathetic decisions are required and at other times we need to push the agenda with a firmness context requires and ecosystem expects. These two are representative situations of Shakti and Shiva. Though these two may appear different, these may not be exclusive, each has a component and fraction of the other.
During different stages of life, the requirement of Shiva and Shakti may be needed in different levels for nuanced use. Meditative, contemplative state of mind is required for pursuing knowledge. Actions and energy application is required when tasks have to be accomplished or journeys have to be performed. But in each of these two, a component of the other is there. For example, for meditating in a firm sitting pose, we need energy to continue the required posture.
The ‘ONE’ is sum of two halves, and often it is more than two parts. The synergy that gets created in ‘together action’ of Shiva and Shakti is the positive result of extra-energies the universe is granting appreciating this symphony. Quality prevails.
Prof S Ainavolu is a Mumbai-based teacher of tradition and management. He is with VPSM. Views are personal.