Guiding Light: Bhagavad Gita Jayanti

Guiding Light: Bhagavad Gita Jayanti

Swami Brahmavidananda SaraswatiUpdated: Thursday, December 21, 2023, 06:46 PM IST
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Today is Gita Jayanti. Anywhere between 3500 to 5000 years ago, Sri Krishna taught Arjuna on this day. Usually Vedanta texts that deal with spiritual and philosophical wisdom of India are taught in the ashrams and forests, on the riverbank, in highly peaceful surroundings of the Himalayas and elsewhere.

The Gita was one text that was born literally on the battlefield, amidst the clash of arms, the neighing of horses, the trumpeting of elephants, the beat of the kettle drums and the blowing of trumpets and conches. Arjuna declared himself as a student and Sri Krishna accepted him as a student and teaching in the form of a dialogue began. All the noise faded into the background. Both of them were just focused on teaching.

Born in such a situation, the Gita is a complete text for humanity. For the preparatory stages of human life, it prepares one to be successful with the right focus on proper attitudes of action. It improves your balance and your personal competency so that you have a better chance of success. But, that is not the main message.

The main message of the Gita is that beyond success lies total joy and fulfilment. Called Ananda in Sanskrit, everyone seeks it in life but few find it. The Gita reveals that Ananda is one's own true nature. How to discover it in terms of knowledge, how to prepare the mind, the right values are all unfolded in the Gita. Anyone and everyone gains great benefit by studying the text.

Of course, the Bhagavad Gita should be studied with a sampradayavit, a traditional teacher of a lineage. If these teachers have uploaded videos, it is good to see some for some general awareness. Please do not try to study it on your own. It's a highly technical text. Believe me! It is more complicated than studying a book on engineering. I was one before I became a monk. So, I know how much more specialised the Gita is.

May the Gita bless the future generations as it has done in the past.

The writer is the founder of Aarsha Vidya Foundation. You can write to him at


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