Many of us have read or come across the “Essence Of Gita” (Gita Saar) in our lives that says, “Whatever happened in the past, happened for the good; whatever is happening, is happening for the good; whatever shall happen in the future, shall happen for the good only. Do not weep for the past, do not worry about the future, concentrate on your present life.” There is no doubt about the fact that the quintessence of The Gita's wisdom is contained in the words: 'Manmana bhava.' (meaning) 'Dedicate your mind to Me; do things for Me alone; let your actions be offered to Me in reverence.' These verses occur in The Gita twice and they end with a firm assurance from God, saying that one who stabilises his mind in Him and fully surrenders himself to the Supreme Almighty will certainly get liberated from body-consciousness and the bondages that arise from it. The reason for such an exhortation and assurance is evident because man's miseries are mainly due to his attachments, such as attachment to his own body, to his bodily relatives, and to other things, like his possessions, his country, his language, etc., related to his body. So, if man yokes his mind to the remembrance of the Supreme Almighty and surrenders his ego and his attachments, implied by the words 'My' and 'Mine,' he will truly be free from these entanglements.
When the devout pray to God, they say: 'Lord, Thy will be done,' or 'Let that happen which is the wish of God.' Now, if we really act according to His will/advice or Shrimat, our will would become strong and effective. In short, if we identify our will with God's, i.e., if we act as He wills, all our inner conflict will have ended, and we will work only as His divine instrument. This will wipe off our pride and our attachments and will increase our capacity and efficiency. An important consequence of this will be that, with our attachments gone, we will be able to adjust ourselves easily and quickly. It should, therefore, be remembered that by surrendering to God, we don't become subservient. On the contrary, we become free agents—free from mental attachments which act as bondages. And, as free agents, we act as self-contained individuals. Having dedicated our mind, intellect, and emotions to Him, we feel like an integrated personality and can work with a wonderful cohesion of our mental abilities. Our personality, in totality, gets purified and sets to work in a unified way and with joy, and the result is excellence. Thus, the wise counsel of 'Surrender to God' is the gospel of inspired action, which leads from progress to higher progress.
The writer is a spiritual educator and popular columnist for publications across India, Nepal and the UK, and has written more than 8,000 columns. He can be contacted at /