Pune Porsche Accident: Kalyani Nagar Residents Demand Closing of Pubs by 11.30 PM

Pune Porsche Accident: Kalyani Nagar Residents Demand Closing of Pubs by 11.30 PM

Their petition, titled "Rollback Pub & Restaurant End Timing to 11:30pm with Enhanced Law Enforcement," highlights various issues caused by these establishments and calls for urgent intervention form authorities.

Ankit ShuklaUpdated: Thursday, May 23, 2024, 04:47 PM IST
Pune Porsche Accident: Kalyani Nagar Residents Demand Closing of Pubs by 11.30 PM |

Days after an accident where a drunk minor driving a speeding Porsche killed two people, residents of Kalyani Nagar are demanding the immediate cancellation of licenses for illegally operating rooftop bars and restro bars in their neighbourhood and a return to the pre-pandemic closing time of 11:30pm.

Their petition is titled "Rollback Pub & Restaurant End Timing to 11:30pm with Enhanced Law Enforcement." It highlights various issues caused by these establishments and calls for urgent intervention form authorities.

This comes after the accident drew attention to the problems pubs are causing for Kalyani Nagar residents.

Monica Sharma, a social worker from Kalyani Nagar, told the Free Press Journal, "The recent tragic accident has deeply affected our community. It highlights a problem we have been raising since December 2022. Despite our complaints and efforts to seek help from various departments, the issues caused by late-night activities in our residential area continue. While the Police Commissioner has taken some action, the ultimate authority to implement permanent solutions lies with the District Collector.

"We urge the District Collector to revoke the licenses of pubs operating illegally in our area, sending a clear message that law violations will not be tolerated. By doing so, we can prevent such incidents in the future. This petition is a step toward restoring safety in Kalyani Nagar. I ask all residents to support this cause to ensure our neighbourhood remains secure for everyone," she added.

Follow pre-pandemic timing

Aaditya Patil, member of Team Swachh Kalyani Nagar (TSKN), expressed, "The community deserves a vibrant nightlife that balances public safety and enjoyment. Our petition to roll back pub and restaurant closing times to 11:30pm, reverting to pre-pandemic timings, is a practical task that aims to foster a lively yet secure environment for all. We urge policymakers to consider this proposal, as it reflects the desires of both patrons and business owners for a thriving local economy. This will avoid all the noise pollution, road safety and nuisance at odd hours for a healthy residential neighborhood."

Demands by the residents are as follows:

- Stop illegal operations of many rooftops and restro bars without proper licenses

- These establishments violate residential zoning regulations and pose fire safety risks

- There was a major fire incident in May 2023, injuring 19 people, prompting calls to cancel these illegal licenses

- Roll back extended operating hours for pubs and restaurants to a closing time of 11:30pm

- The extension of operating hours, initially for pandemic relief, now poses public safety risks and causes noise and disturbance

- Lack of parking facilities causing traffic, as some restro bars have converted parking spaces into dining areas

- Justice for the accident victims and stricter enforcement of laws


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