In a shocking incident on Jangali Maharaj Road in Pune, a car driver was stopped by three unknown individuals who pretended to have been involved in an accident. Despite no actual collision occurring, the driver was forcefully robbed by the assailants. The police have reported that a case has been registered against the three accused at Shivajinagar police station.
According to the police, Kapil Sawant, a 37-year-old resident of Kalewadi, Pimpri, filed a complaint detailing the incident. Sawant had picked up passengers in his car and was travelling along the road on July 10 when the three accused approached his vehicle on a two-wheeler. Despite no actual accident taking place, the accused verbally abused and threatened Sawant, eventually stealing Rs. 1500 from his shirt pocket. The Shivajinagar Police is currently investigating the matter further.