A youth was killed by three friends due to an old dispute in the Chikalthana area in the wee hours on Tuesday. The deceased has been identified as Chetan Sanjay Gire (23, Chikalthana), and the accused friends are Vinu Suryawanshi, Pawan Misal, and Navnath Dahihande. The CIDCO MIDC police have arrested Misal and Dahihande, but Suryawanshi is still absconding, and the police had launched a massive manhunt for him until late at night.
All these friends had gathered at a hotel near the Chikalthana area on the occasion of Rangpanchami. They drank liquor, partied, and took selfies. However, Misal, Dahihande, and Suryawanshi quarreled with Chetan over an old dispute. They then severely beat him up and attacked him with a knife until he died. He was taken to the hospital by a friend, but was already dead. All the accused fled from the scene.
The dispute between the victim and the accused, which led to this incident, was over the deal of a land, but it was resolved after the intervention of some friends. However, Vinu and Pawan brought it up again, and it escalated, resulting in them killing the victim in an inebriated condition.