Baramati MP Supriya Sule announced on X (formerly Twitter) Sunday evening that her phone and WhatsApp, which had been hacked earlier in the day, have been restored. The Nationalist Congress Party (Sharadchandra Pawar) leader expressed her gratitude to the Pune Rural Police and WhatsApp Support for their swift assistance.
"Phone and WhatsApp are now working again. Thanks to Pune Rural Police and WhatsApp Support for their quick help. Apologies for any inconvenience caused while I was unreachable," she wrote.
Sule also advised the public to be vigilant about their digital security. "Enable two-factor verification on WhatsApp. Do not share your password or OTP with anyone, and avoid clicking on links from unknown numbers. Digital security is crucial, and we must be cautious," she added.
Earlier in the day, she had informed her followers, "My phone and WhatsApp have been hacked. Please do not call or text me. I have reached out to the police for help. Please take note."
A source close to the NCP (SP) leader told news agency PTI that a police complaint regarding the hacking was filed online.