The entry from Tempest Advertising for the cause-related campaign to create awareness about Autism has been selected as the winning campaign by the elite jury consisting of Anupama Ramaswamy Jt. M.D. and CCO Havas, Mukund Olety CCO VML, K.V. Sridhar (Pops) and Raj Nair CCO Garage.
Says Avinash Pandey, President India Chapter of the International Advertising Association (IAA), "the IAA has always supported good causes. In the past we have run campaigns about voter apathy, saving soil, domestic violence, elder care, staggered working hours, employee welfare and so on. This is because we have always said that communication is a force for good. And our friends in the creative industry as well as in the media have always supported us in these efforts.
This year, the Rotary District 3141 will be partnering us and spreading this important message through their over 110 Clubs and over 6500 members."
For Tempest, the copywriter was Raghu, Design was by Antony and research was by Zubair and Abhishek.
The International Advertising Association is the world’s only globally-focused integrated advertising trade association with membership representing Advertising agencies and the Media. The IAA comprises Corporate Members, Organizational Members, Educational
Affiliates, as well as 56 Chapters with individual members and young professionals from 76 countries including the top 10 economies in the world. IAA is over 80 years’ old and is headquartered in New York.
Membership to the Indian Chapter of IAA is by invitation only and IAA has very senior marketing, advertising and media professionals as it members. IAA in India is seen as the most active chapter by IAA Global. IAA India is well-recognized for some of its marquee events like the IAA Leadership Awards, IAA Olive Crown Awards, IndIAA Awards, IAA TechPulse, IAA Voice of Change, IAA Debates, IAA Conversations, IAA Young Turks Forum and an array of IAA Knowledge Seminars, Webinars, Workshops, Conclaves etc.