In the case of people being cheated while ordering online from city-based Tiwari Sweets, the DB Marg police have arrested a person from Deeg in Rajasthan. The arrested person, Sanji Khan, allegedly obtained SIM cards in the names of unsuspecting persons and floated the numbers online as customer service for the sweet shop. People ordering online found several such fraudulent numbers on google and ended up calling Khan and his accomplices, subsequently losing money while placing orders, especially for the shop’s famed ladoos.
Details of fraud
First such complaint had surfaced in September last year when three friends fell victim to the fraud and Rs1.14 lakh was fraudulently withdrawn from the bank account of one of them. Subsequently, an FIR was filed, leading to the arrest of two people.
The incident unfolded when three friends, while cleaning Girgaon Chowpatty beach, decided to indulge in ladoos from Tiwari Sweets. The fraudulent executive they contacted convinced them to transfer money online to a UPI account. Through successive transactions, Rs1.14 lakh was siphoned from the account.
The police said Sanji Khan had orchestrated the scheme involving SIM cards in the names of persons from Gujarat. He strategically conducted calls from open fields rather than his residence complicating the tracing process. During his arrest, the police faced resistance from villagers in Deeg, underscoring the challenges authorities encounter in such operations.
This arrest adds to the efforts of law enforcement in curbing cyber fraud, particularly in regions where such activities find a breeding ground. The case sheds light on the evolving tactics employed by cybercriminals and the continuous efforts required to counteract these threats.