The Cultural Cell of Uttar Raigad District of Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has demanded guidelines for visitors at Vadale Lake in Panvel. They have given a letter to Panvel MLA Prashant Thakur and also to Paresh Thakur, the former leader of the House at the PMC.
Uttar Raigad President of BJP's cultural cell, Abhishek Patwardhan, said that Panvel City has been known as the city of lakes since ancient times. Keeping this in mind, the civic body recently completed the beautification of Vadale Lake, which is one of the major lakes in the Panvel region.
The lake became another tourist attraction in Panvel city. Many citizens visit the place for a walk, exercise, or to spend time with their friends and relatives.
Some visitors polluting the premises of Vadale Lake
However, some have been found to be feeding the fishes, throwing food items like bread, dough, biscuits, chips etc. into the lake. This is making the lake unhygienic.
Several times, security guards warned citizens against this behaviour. But this has not brought in any long term solution to the nagging problem. Therefore, permanent signboards should be placed regarding instructions to be followed to keep the place clean and hygienic.
Evening hours are more crowded and some people use loud music in the area, which is also a concern.
“If the number of security guards increase, rule-breakers can be stopped and if loudspeakers are used without prior permission, fine and confiscation measures should be availed,” said Patwardhan. He added that CCTV cameras should be installed in the entire premises so that unwanted incidents can be prevented.