The India Meteorological Department predicted that Mumbai would witness cloudy skies with a possibility of light rainfall or drizzles on Sunday. The weather forecast hinted at the city experiencing pleasant conditions through the day with rainy mornings for the next 48 hours. Such a weather comes a relief from scorching heat experienced in the city and its suburbs earlier this month.
On May 28, Mumbai recorded an average temperature of 30 degrees Celsius and a humidity of 71%.
Thunderstorm accompanied with lightning and light to moderate spell of rain with gusty wind speed 30-40 kmph very likely to occur until Tuesday at isolated places in the districts of South Konkan-Goa, Madhya Maharashtra and Marathwada, said IMD in its report.
Mumbai AQI
For the fourth day in a row, Mumbai breathed well as its AQI was reported to under the 'good' category. The city marked an AQI of 40 units on Sunday, according to the System of Air Quality and Weather Forecasting and Research (SAFAR).
For context, an AQI between 0 and 50 is considered ‘good’, 51 to 100 is ‘satisfactory’, 101 to 200 is ‘moderate’, 201 to 300 ‘poor’, 301 to 400 ‘very poor’, and 401 to 500 ‘severe’.
AQI of different areas in Mumbai
BKC: 31 Good
Powai: 41 Good
Malad: 42 Good
Borivali: 63 Satisfactory
Sion: 57 Satisfactory
Colaba: 119 Moderate