The Kasturba police station in Borivali East has arrested three individuals who allegedly robbed Adani Electricity of cables worth ₹17 lakh. Further investigation revealed that one of the suspects produced fake slips from the electricity brand to acquire the wires. According to sources, the police examined 50 CCTV camera footage and apprehended the suspects from Mumbai and Pune. They are currently investigating whether any Adani Electricity employees were involved in the theft.
The incident came to light on 22 April when a contractor filed a complaint with the police regarding a missing cable wire drum worth ₹17 lakh. The contractor stated that the company was carrying out underground cabling work in Rajendra Nagar and had ordered two drums of cable wires for the job. They received the order on 21 April but discovered one drum missing the next day.
The police quickly took action and visited the site, where a man named Amarjit informed them that a crane and a goods carrier had arrived at the site the previous night and took away the cable wire. The police then examined 50 CCTV footage and traced the whereabouts of the vehicles. They found that the suspects had stopped near Kalyan and intended to go somewhere in Pune but were unsuccessful as the police caught them.
The three suspects were identified as Aasim Chowdhary (22), Shofik Abul (30), and Sharifullah Chowdhary (59). The police also found that the suspects had a scrap business and had sold the inner copper wires from the cable wires.
A case has been registered against the suspects under IPC 379 and section 135 of the Electricity Act.