Mumbai: A theft occurred on an Indigo flight involving passenger Mukesh Tiwari, a 42-year-old vice president of the Hiranandani company. While travelling from Delhi to Mumbai on November 19, Tiwari had Rs.11,500 in an envelope placed in a seat cover. The money was stolen, leading to the filing of a case under section 379 (theft) of the Indian Penal Code at Sahar Police Station on November 19.
Tiwari's family took an Indigo flight to Mumbai on November 19 at 9:50 a.m. Mukesh Tiwari had kept a brown envelope in the front seat pocket containing Rs.12,000, of which some money was already spent on in-flight food. Upon landing at Mumbai airport around noon, Tiwari boarded a bus, then he remembered that he had forgotten his envelope on the flight, and promptly informed Indigo staff on a bus, requesting it to stop. The staff advised him to inform other staff stationed at the luggage belt.
Indigo Officials Found Envelope But Cash Was Missing
At belt no. 12, Tiwari informed Indigo employee Martina Fernandes about the missing envelope. Fernandes coordinated with staff, and another employee, Sayali Sadanand, handed an envelope over to Fernandes. However, upon opening, Tiwari found only Rs. 1001, an ATM card, an office identity card, and a driving licence, but Rs. 11,500 still missing.
Despite contacting cleaning and security staff, who claimed to find an envelope at seat no. 24E but no money, Tiwari claimed that he doubts the cleaning and security staff. Dissatisfied, he decided to file a case, reaching Sahar Police Station to file against an unidentified individual.