Mumbai: The CBI has arrested a regional Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO) commissioner, an enforcement officer and a private person in a bribery case, the agency informed on Thursday. The agency alleged that the commissioner, Ganesh Arote, hatched a conspiracy with a private consultant, BS Mangalkar – both residents of Nashik – to demand and accept ₹2 lakh to settle a PF matter. The arrested enforcement officer has been identified as Ajay Ahuja. It was further alleged that Arote directed the complainant to hand over the bribe to Mangalkar.
A CBI team laid a trap and caught the three red handed. Searches were conducted at seven locations at Nashik, resulting in the recovery of incriminating material, including cash and diaries containing details of undue advantage. The arrested accused were produced on Thursday before a Nashik court and were remanded to CBI custody till January 1, 2024.