Mumbai: State minister Mangal Prabhat Lodha’s son Abhinandan has lodged a complaint with the Mumbai police about his email ID being hacked by unknown person/s to send out purported donation requests and seek investments for a new business.
The complainant in the case, Subhash Lonari, 34, is the public relations officer for the Lodha Group, now rechristened Tomorrow Capital Enterprises Private Limited (Lodha Ventures). Abhinandan Lodha is the director of the firm. Lonari said that Lodha handles his personal email ID himself and the head of the IT department, Jaiprakash Yadav, sometimes responds to his request to reply to emails.
On May 1, Lodha received 25 emails on his personal ID indicating that they were replied to an email sent by someone. When the account was inspected, it was revealed that the original email was sent out from Lodha’s account, promoting a new business that could earn crores of rupees. The email was sent by one Francis Sequeira, described as the director of the new team.
The police have registered a case under various sections of the Indian Penal Code and the IT Act.