Borivali police have filed a case against an unidentified person for allegedly setting fire to impounded vehicles taken by the traffic authorities and the BMC.
The incident took place at around midnight Tuesday. The vehicles were parked near Lalji Trikamaji School in Borivali (West) and the fire damaged around 80 auto-rickshaws, two-wheelers and four two-wheelers.
According to the police, at 12.11am on Tuesday, they received a call reporting a fire at the dumping ground near Lalji Trikamaji School. Upon arrival, the police found the vehicles ablaze. The police observed that the fire was intentionally set to dry grass, and Kandivali Fire Brigade personnel were working to extinguish it.
The police filed a case against an unidentified individual under Section 435 (mischief by fire with intent to damage) of the Indian Penal Code.