Mumbai: The Borivali police have filed a case against an unidentified person after a 32-year-old man from Mahaveer Nagar, Kandivali, was injured when an iron rod fell on his head.
According to the police report, on March 11, around 12.15pm, the victim Sandeep Daware, accompanied by his friend and another friend’s niece, was walking near Pratap Adinath building, Saibaba Nagar, Borivali West. A three-feet-long and one-inch thick iron rod fell on his head, causing injuries. His friend promptly rushed him to Shatandi Hospital, where he received two stitches and is now out of danger.
Daware mentioned that construction work was underway at the Pratap Adinath building, with no warning boards or security net installed by the contractor. Consequently, Daware filed a case under the Indian Penal Code section 337 (causing hurt by an act endangering life). Daware and his friend were returning from Himalaya School, where they had gone to pick up the friend’s niece.