A city labour court in Mumbai has awarded compensation ranging from Rs 9 lakh to 15 lakh in separate cases where workers, including a construction labourer and two drivers, lost their lives while on duty. Ajit Patel, a 20-year-old construction worker, tragically fell from the 13th storey of Nidan Building in Govandi in 2016. The court held Nirman Construction and Bajaj Allianz General Insurance Co Ltd liable for his death and ordered the insurance company to pay Rs 8.96 lakh to Patel's parents.
Electric Shock Fatality Results in Compensation Order
In another case, a 22-year-old driver died from an electric shock while attempting to charge his employer's electric vehicle in April 2018. The parents of the deceased filed a compensation claim against M/s India One Ice Cream Company. The labour court examined police documents, confirming that the incident occurred during the course of employment.
As a result, the court directed the company to pay a compensation of Rs 8.76 lakh, along with 12% interest from the date of the incident. Additionally, the court imposed a penalty of 10% of the compensation amount on the company for failure to timely deposit the compensation.
Fatal Accident on Mumbai-Ahmedabad Highway Leads to Compensation Order
In yet another tragic incident, a driver named Ram Yadav, aged 31, lost his life in a work-related accident on the Mumbai-Ahmedabad highway in February 2021. He was on an assignment for Lalji Mulji Transport Co at the time of the incident, leaving behind a wife and two young children. The labour court ruled in favor of Yadav's wife, ordering the employer and the insurance company to pay a compensation of Rs 15.44 lakh, along with 12% interest from the date of the incident. Furthermore, the court imposed a penalty of Rs 7.72 lakh on the transport company for their delayed payment of the compensation.