Mumbai: A 42-year-old woman lost Rs30 lakh to cons, who posed as cops and extorted money from her on the pretext of intercepting a drugs parcel in her name. In her police complaint, the Dombivali resident said that she got an automated call on August 2, which connected her to a person, who claimed to be a courier firm executive.
The con told the woman that MD drug has been found in her parcel destined for Thailand. Subsequently, the caller connected her with a fake Mumbai police official, who said that the case will be probed by the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI).
The 'CBI official' then told the woman that she is a suspect in a money laundering case. On the pretext of checking her financial transactions, the con made her transfer Rs18.72 lakh. Later, they took Rs12 lakh, saying that they would buy bitcoins to trace the hacker who misused her credentials.