Mumbai Congress president Varsha Gaikwad and the state unit chief of the party’s youth wing Kunal Raut were booked for leading two agitations in Mumbai without permission, police officials said on Thursday.
MLA Gaikwad had led a protest in front of BMC headquarters, while Raut was part of the Maharashtra Youth Congress stir in front of Mantralaya (state secretariat) on Wednesday. Gaikwad and 69 others were booked by the Azad Maidan police
Case Against Sanjay Raut At Marine Drive Police Station
While the case against Raut, including 16 others, was registered at Marine Drive police station. Rakhi Jadhav of NCP and Prakash Reddy of Communist Party have also been booked in the second case.
Leaders Charged Under Act For Violation
The have been charged under relevant provisions of the Indian Penal Code and Mumbai Police Act for violation of the orders promulgated by the police commissioner as well as unlawful assembly and other offences, he said.