Mumbai: In a distressing turn of events, Vivek Naresh Dave, a 28-year-old chartered accountant employed at private company, became the victim of a calculated theft and subsequent fraudulent transactions amounting to ₹6,72,111. Vivek, residing at Borivali (East), Mumbai, with his family, faced this ordeal on March 30, 2024, during a cricket match involving his company's employees.
The match took place at Cross Maidan, where Vivek, preoccupied with the day's sport, left his belongings including his phone, wallet, and Bank cards in a tent designated for players. Unbeknownst to him, this decision would lead to a significant financial setback.
After the match, he discovered unauthorized transactions had been made with his debit and credit cards while he was on the field. These included hefty withdrawals totaling ₹1,00,000 from an ATM and exorbitant purchases of jewelry worth ₹5,72,111 from various stores.
The realization dawned upon him when he received a series of alarming messages detailing card PIN changes and subsequent transactions, all occurring in a narrow timeframe that afternoon. The fraudulent activity spanned cash withdrawals and purchases from prestigious jewelers in the Colaba area.
Acting swiftly, Vivek blocked his banking cards and reported the incident to both the bank's customer care and the cyber cell. His proactive measures led him to contact one of the jewelers, who provided CCTV footage of the suspect. Remarkably, Vivek recognized the individual from the cricket match, concluding that the thief had exploited the match's environment to commit the crime.
With solid evidence in hand, Vivek approached the Azad Maidan police station to file a detailed complaint, providing a physical description of the suspect and highlighting his resolve to identify the perpetrator. Accompanied by supportive witnesses, he navigated the legal process, driven by a determination to seek justice for the wrongs committed against him.