To debunk inaccurate social media information, the Archdiocese of Bombay has clarified that the four priests, who met with an accident last week, are coping well at the Holy Family Hospital, Bandra. The church also appealed to avoid visiting the hospital or contacting the families of the priests for updates on their medical condition.
The church's statement
“It is important to reassure everyone that they (priests) are receiving optimal treatment and are progressing through various stages of recovery. You are requested to avoid any visits to the hospital or reach out to the families of the priests for any updates,” read the church's statement. It mentioned that the Archbishop of Bombay, Oswald Cardinal Gracias, on Wednesday personally met the priests.
The quartet were injured on Saturday evening, while returning to the city after attending the installation ceremony of the new Bishop of Nashik. While Father Denzil Fernandes and Father Nelson Machado received head injuries, Father Santan Fernandes and Father Pascal Sinor are reportedly out of danger.
Father Santan, who had worked in a Vile Parle church as a deacon – an order below a priest – had been newly ordained as a priest in January at a ceremony held at Our Lady of Salvation Church (Portuguese Church), Dadar.