On Monday, a 31-year-old man, Nayan Wala, lost his life while repairing solar panels in a high-rise building in Chandivali when a panel fell on him. The Powai police have filed a case of culpable homicide and causing death by negligence against the crane driver responsible for lifting the panels.
Details of tragedy
As per the complaint lodged by the deceased's brother, Sanjay Wala, Nayan Wala was working at Maple Leaf Society in Raheja Vihar, Chandivali, around 12:30 pm when the tragic accident occurred. The accused, identified as Mohammad Arif Shaikh (40), was using a forklift to move panels within the building when one of them fell, striking Nayan on the head.
According to a Powai police official, the accused driver failed to take necessary precautions such as using harnesses to secure the panels and lifting one panel at a time. During the movement of panels, the forklift collided with Nayan, who was standing behind it. Consequently, Nayan fell to the ground and sustained severe head injuries. Despite being rushed to the hospital, he was declared dead by the doctors.
Case registered against accused
Witnesses, including residents and workers at the site, reported the incident to the police. The police have registered a case against the accused under IPC section 304A (culpable homicide not amounting to murder) and subsequently arrested him.