The Mumbai police on Friday said that at least 11 persons, who were part of the protest staged by MSRTC workers at NCP chief Sharad Pawar's residence, had been under the influence of alcohol.
The police have so far arrested 116 persons, including main accused lawyer Gunaratna Sadavarte, in connection with the agitation staged by striking MSRTC workers at Pawar's residence Silver Oak at Pedder Road here on April 8.
At least 103 persons, including Sadavarte, were arrested on the day of the incident till late night and they underwent a medical test, during which their blood samples were collected, an official said.
The Gamdevi police received the test reports of 81 accused persons, of whom 11 were found to be under the influence of alcohol, he said, adding that reports of the remaining protestors were pending.
Following the probe, the police have also named Sadavarte's wife lawyer Jayshree Patil as an accused in the case.