Chief Minister Eknath Shinde on Tuesday said that his government will develop a road along the Konkan coast with the help of the Maharashtra State Road Development Corporation. He also said that a special authority for comprehensive development of Konkan will be soon set up.
Will strive to realise Konkan's tourism potential: CM Shinde
“Konkan is blessed with natural resources and the people here are known for their hospitality. We will strive to realise the tourism potential of Konkan,” Shinde said.
“We have already initiated a process for setting up of a special development authority for Konkan,” the CM said, adding that funds will be made available for a marine ecology project and a multi-speciality hospital at Sawantwadi. He also promised to make special efforts to ensure local products from Konkan get branding and marketing support. “We all should strive to develop a prosperous Konkan,” he said.
“The Maharashtra government, which has the most number of infrastructure projects currently underway in various stages of development in the country, will strive for all-round development of Konkan,” Shinde said as he dedicated projects worth Rs110 crore to the people.
CM lays foundation stone of various projects
The CM laid the foundation stone for the Sant Gadgebaba Mandai and Shopping Centre, a dressing room at the gymkhana ground of the municipality, a housing complex for the fire safety department employees of the municipality, and other works on Tuesday. Union Minister for MSME Narayan Rane, Rural Development Minister Girish Mahajan, Industries Minister Uday Samant and Education Minister Deepak Kesarkar were present at the occasion.
“The government is striving to generate employment opportunities for the young generation of Maharashtra along with developing local infrastructure. We want to have more entrepreneurs so that there will be more job-givers than jobseekers. We are also working for empowering self-help groups of women and ensuring accessibility and affordability of health services till the last unit,” Shinde said.