Mumbai: In a distressing incident reported by Cuffe Parade police, a 71-year-old woman, Abaaj Hirjikaka, was duped of ₹4.35 crore by cyber crooks. The fraudsters posed as officials from the Employee Provident Fund Organization (EPFO), convincing Hirjikaka that she had ₹11 crore deposited in her account. To withdraw this substantial amount, she was told she needed to pay certain taxes.
The perpetrator, a woman named Sandhya Bhagwat, falsely claimed that Hirjikaka's husband had deposited ₹4 lakh in EPFO 20 years ago. With accrued interest, the sum had allegedly grown to ₹11 crore. Believing Bhagwat's EPFO association and the promise of ₹11 crore, Hirjikaka complied.
Over several months, Hirjikaka transferred a total of ₹4.35 crore into multiple bank accounts provided by Bhagwat. However, after paying the money, when Hirajikaka demanded the promised ₹11 crore, Bhagwat disconnected her phone.
Realising she had been deceived after Bhagwat's number remained unreachable, Hirajikaka reported the scam to the Cuffe Parade police. Based on her complaint, an FIR has been registered under sections 384, 419, 420 of the IPC, and IT Act.
Police revealed that the fraudsters coerced Hirjikaka into paying ₹4.35 crore by claiming it was for various taxes between May and September. The con artist threatened to freeze all bank accounts belonging to Hirjikaka and her husband if she didn't comply, leading to her giving in to the demands.
Abaaj Hirjikaka and her husband Feroze reside in Colaba. Feroze, a former employee of a major company, is the victim's spouse.