Mumbai: The Bombay High Court dismissed a PIL filed by a retired Assistant Commissioner of Police (ACP) challenging the appointment of Subodh Jaiswal as the director of the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) after the petitioner sought to withdraw the petition.
The petitioner sought to withdraw the petition after Additional Solicitor General Sevang Vyas informed the bench that Jaiswal's term as CBI director had ended on May 25, rendering the PIL petition moot.
A division bench comprising Chief Justice DK Upadhayaya and Justice Arif Doctor granted permission to the petitioner to withdraw the petition at the request of his advocates, Satish Talekar and Madhavi Aayapan.
Rajendra Trivedi, a retired Assistant Commissioner of Police, had filed a writ petition seeking the quashing of Jaiswal's appointment as CBI director on the grounds that he lacked experience in investigating anti-corruption cases and had questionable credibility.