Mumbai: The city police have once again opposed the bail application of 23-year-old Sumer Merchant, who is accused of drunk and reckless driving that resulted in the death of tech firm CEO Rajalakshmi Vijay. They submitted before a sessions court that Merchant was driving under the influence of alcohol at a high speed, and granting him bail could send a wrong message to the public.
On Tuesday, the police submitted their response to the accused's second bail application filed after the chargesheet was submitted in the case. The response also mentioned that the incident has created a ripple effect among the joggers' group and has garnered significant attention from the media and the public. They argued that releasing Merchant on bail could result in him having no fear of the judiciary.
Permissible alcohol limit as per the Motor Vehicles Act
The response also reiterated regarding the blood alcohol report which showed there was blood alcohol level of 137 mg per 100 ml. The permissible limit as per the Motor Vehicles Act is 30 mg per 100 ml. The police response stated that as per a response received from Tata Motors - the manufacturing company of Merchant’s car of Nexon model, the speed of the car was 100 kmph between 5.45 am and 6 am and on 6.01 am and 6.02 am on the date of the accident, it becomes 120 kmph. As per the FIR, the accident took place at 6 am on March 19.
Seeking bail, Merchant had told the court in his bail application that the police had not made a urine report that purportedly showed no alcohol content, a part of its chargesheet in the case. "The urine report did not reveal any sign of alcohol. The copy of the same has been conveniently not annexed as part of the chargesheet,” his application had stated. He had also disputed the blood report and said there was no information on the competence of the medical practitioner who had collected the sample or the manner in which it was stored or preserved.