Alirajpur (Madhya Pradesh): In an exceptional move, eight polling teams comprising officials from Alirajpur district, under the guidance of collector Dr Abhay Arvind Bedekar, embarked on a ‘Mission’ to various districts of Gujarat to engage with migrant voters from Alirajpur.
Their primary aim was to underline the significance of voting and encourage those citizens to utilise their franchise during the forthcoming assembly elections on November 17.
Covering distances spanning from 300 to 900 kilometres, these teams, composed of officials from diverse departments, reached Rajkot, Bharuch, Ankleshwar, Surat, Bhuj, Jamnagar, Kutch and Morbi in Gujarat.
Their focus involved connecting with migrant voters from Alirajpur district employed in industrial areas, farms and various work sites in Gujarat.
Alirajpur collector Dr Abhay Arvind Bedekar guided these officials working on voter awareness campaign. The collaborative endeavours of both Madhya Pradesh and Gujarat's district administrations were channelled into empowering the collective initiative.
The first day of this campaign saw a substantial number of voters being contacted, enlightening them about the importance of casting their votes.
Bedekar highlighted in his written appeals made to eight district collectors in Gujarat, soliciting their support to facilitate and promote awareness among Alirajpur voters for voting day.
These teams' interactions with Gujarat's district administrations were fruitful, fostering positive results. The concerted efforts between officials of Madhya Pradesh and Gujarat are anticipated to significantly inform and encourage a greater voter turnout from Alirajpur district, fostering optimism for successful voter participation on polling day.