Sardarpur (Madhya Pradesh): More than a month after the Amjhera naib tehsildar Pankaj Yadav caught in a bribery scandal and being made an accused, SDM Rahul Chauhan, on Saturday issued orders to post Yadav in Dasai tappa tehsil. Sardarpur tehsildar Mukesh Bamnia has been given the additional charge of Amjhera Tappa tehsil.
Indore Lokayukta team had caught the naib tehsildar of Amjhera Tappa tehsil red-handed taking a bribe of Rs 50,000. The involvement of Yadav was verified in this bribery case, and the Lokayukta police named him as accused.
In this case, the revenue staff was quite disgraced in Dhar district.
Notably, one applicant Ashish Soni, a resident of Amjhera, had met naib tehsildar Yadav to get the name transfer done after the death of his grandmother.
Yadav had demanded a bribe of Rs three lakh in exchange for this name transfer. Complaint about which was lodged by the applicant Soni with Lokayukta Police Indore. The Lokayukta Police got this complaint verified.
In which naib tehsildar Yadav was found to be demanding a bribe of Rs three lakh through his “evaji” Wasim.
Lokayukta police came to Amjhera and caught naib tehsildar Yadav's deputy Waseem red-handed while taking a bribe of Rs 50,000.
In this entire case, Lokayukta had registered the case against naib tehsildar Yadav, his deputy Wasim Kanji and private person Nirmal Hardia as accused.