Indore (Madhya Pradesh): The registration of married women between 21 and 23 years under the Ladli Behna Phase II ended on August 20. Camps were set up in all 19 IMC zones, all city council zones and gram panchayats where officials of women and child welfare department helped the women complete their registration.
The Chief Minister announced on July 10 that benefits of Ladli Behna scheme would be extended to married women between 21 and 23 years also. The government has already registered over 1.25 crore women under the scheme. During its second phase, the registration number has already crossed over 20k.
During the registration under the Ladli Behna scheme in May, Indore had topped with the maximum number of registrations.
This time too, the department is expecting a good show. Ramniwas Budholiya, joint director, WCD said, “As the registrations have ended, the provisional list would be released on Monday. Queries and objections would be accepted till August 25.”