Indore (Madhya Pradesh): A two-and-a-half-year-old girl was killed after falling from a height at an under-construction house in the Kanadiya area on Tuesday. It is said that her parents were busy with work and she was playing on the stairs when she lost control and fell on the ground. The police have registered a case and started an investigation to know the exact circumstances under which the incident happened.
Kanadiya police station in charge KP Yadav said that the incident took place at an underconstruction house in the Bicholi Mardana area. Nisha daughter of Suresh was playing there on the stairs while her parents were working at the under construction site. After she fell, the workers informed her parents and took her to the hospital but she could not be saved.
Police said that Suresh hails from Khargone district and he along with his family was staying in the city for a few months for work at the construction site. Initially, the family members opposed the autopsy examination but were pacified by the police after which the body was sent for the autopsy. Her autopsy examination was conducted on Wednesday.
Man killed in road accident
A 30-year-old man was killed in a road accident in the Khudel area, police said on Wednesday. According to the police, the deceased has been identified as Hatesingh, a resident of Ujjaini area. He was rushed to the MY hospital after he was hit by a vehicle. He died during treatment. The police are searching for the errant driver.