Kolkata: In yet another shocking incident, a 16-year-old minor student died in Kolkata, allegedly by committing suicide. The student, studying at a reputed English medium school, reportedly jumped from the fifth floor of the school building on Monday afternoon. The parents of the deceased student, however, blame the school administration for abetting their son's suicide.
My son was harassed: Father of child
Speaking to the media, the father of the deceased student said that his son was harassed because he had formed a group and protested against the school authorities' decision to hike fees during the COVID situation.
"My son was heckled in front of other students because he failed to submit a project report. He had been mentally harassed by the school administration for the past couple of years, as I was one of the protesting parents against the fee hike during the pandemic," said the father of the deceased student.
He further added that he was initially informed that his son had fallen down the stairs, but upon reaching the school, he was told that his son had committed suicide by jumping from the fifth floor of the school building.
The body has been sent for autopsy, and till the time of reporting this story, no comments have been received from the school authorities.
If you or anyone you know is struggling with suicidal thoughts, seek help here: | Mental Health Helplines | | FPJ